
Andrew Paul Smith

Andrew Paul Smith
Keeping on keeping on!

Monday 30 August 2010

Heroes and Mentors

We all have people we look up to and people whose opinions we trust. People we admire in whose footsteps we'd like to follow. In the end though, we come to a point where we acknowledge the effect these individuals have had on our lives but have to stand on our own two feet and face the world alone, with our own definite purpose in mind. My number one hero and mentor is my Dad, who I still have such great respect for, but I have realized he wasn't always right, just walking by the light that he had! :)

My father was an amazing individual; recently I was reading what friends and family wrote about him at the time of his 70th birthday. One said "Always your concern in life has been to help, in whatever way you could, those who were in need or going through difficult experiences. You have listened to people's problems and sought to give counsel when asked. Not only that but you were prepared to get your hands dirty, doing and giving practical help when necessary." No wonder he is my number one hero and someone I want to emulate.

My maternal grandfather Harry Turner gave me so much of his time and encouragement too! He was someone who desired to share with me the wonder of nature, the joy of family and to let me know of the potential he saw in me. I had many happy hours learning from him the awe with which he regarded life. He is number two on my list. I cannot underestimate the effect of other adults who were involved with my young life and would make special mention of Rev T. Stanley Clayton, and also Raymond and Peg Watkins.

There are of course many others Kenny Baker, Winston Barraclough, Eric Blenkin, Donald Phelps, Tom Saunders, John Worsnop and Graham Swallow who all treat me with respect and as an equal when I was in fact many years their junior. They made me feel good about myself something I aspire to do for others today. I will mention these names again in my blog from time to time. I am thankful that people took time to show an interest in me and mentor me, they are part of the reason why I am the person I am today.

People who I have met in my adult years have also been a source of encouragement and helped me to be determined in taking the paths I have pursued; they will get a mention too! People I admire who I have not met include Gandhi, JFK, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Larry Norman, Arthur Blessitt, John Lennon, and Muhammad Ali. Professionally I aspire to follow in the footsteps of Earl Nightingale, Wayne Dyer, Tony Moore, Tony Robbins and Bob Proctor and in some cases for different reasons than seem likely.

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