
Andrew Paul Smith

Andrew Paul Smith
Keeping on keeping on!

Friday 3 September 2010

Who is Andrew Paul Smith?

So dear reader you have got a pencil sketch of where I'm from; next is who I am; followed by where I intend to go in this life time. I will write more about the events of my life, but before I go any further I wanted to let those reading my blog know who I think I am. Our own definition of the person we call "Me, Myself or I" is critical to all our interactions with those we meet.

I see myself as more than the events and interactions of my life; of course I have been shaped by them. At age 52 I see the development of my character identity and position in life as the result of choices I made before I came into this world. I believe I am a spiritual being having a human experience that I chose for myself before I got here.

This means that I believe we all have a purpose in being here and that part of this lifetime's journey is about discovering what that purpose is and then finding ways to fulfill that purpose. We can only go by the light and insight we have at any given point in time and so the definition I can give to what is my purpose is restricted to what I have discovered up to this point.

If you ask people about themselves, usually the first thing they speak of is the work they do, but in very few cases would that define them as people. Those who are the exception to this rule are those who see what they do as their calling, their vocation. I believe I experienced all the events of my life to enable me to do what I do now. I am an inspirational life coach, an encourager and a possibility thinker.

I believe I was sent here to be a catalyst for people to first find their purpose and then to help them to achieve all that they were themselves were sent here to achieve. I know this all may seem a little grandiose to some, but when I look back over my life and my studies I can see that I have always been involved at some level in keeping people on track towards their perceived destinations in life.

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